Oversize/Underweight Mail

First-Class mail weighing one ounce or less is nonstandard if it exceeds any of the following size limits:

  • 11½ inches in length, or
  • 6½ inches in height, or      
  • ¼ inches in thickness, or        

its aspect ratio (length divided by height) does not fall between 1 to 1.3 and 1 to 2.5 inclusive.

There is an additional charge on each piece of mail that is found to be nonstandard. In addition, pieces that are less than:

  • 3½ inches in height, or
  • 5 inches in length, or
  • .007 of an inch in thickness (thickness of a postcard)

are otherwise non-mailable by U.S. Postal Service standards and are subject to return.


Any mailable matter may be mailed as First-Class Mail. The following materials are considered First-Class matter and must carry postage at First-Class or Priority Mail Rates:

  • Matter wholly or partially handwritten or typewritten (including identical copies prepared by automatic typewriter), originals or carbons, invoices (except when they accompany the matter to which they relate), post cards.
  • Matter sealed and closed against postal inspection.
  • Bills and statements of account.
  • Price lists.
  • Any business reply mail     
  • Checks, cancelled or not cancelled.

Priority Mail is First-Class Mail, but stipulates two- or three-day service. The maximum weight is 70 pounds and the maximum size is 108 inches in length and girth combined.

The following is considered Third-Class Matter:

  • Circulars Catalogs
  • Booklets Newspapers
  • Merchandise Product Samples
  • Photographs Printed Matter

The following is considered Fourth-Class Matter:

  • Packages or Parcels Sound Recordings
  • Library Materials Merchandise
  • Books Films
  • Bound Printed Matter

Each piece of Standard (B) Mail must not exceed 70 pounds in weight and maximum size of 108 inches in length and girth combined.

The University campus mail system is exclusively for University business. This means you may not receive incoming mail of a personal nature at work, nor may intercampus mail be used for anything other than University business.

Mail services does not inspect each piece of mail to determine whether it is business-related. However, we do make this determination for parcels. Incoming personal shipments are handled as follows: Mail services will notify the addressee that a personal package has been received. The addressee must pick up their package within 48 hours after notification. Due to security concerns, the mail center cannot be responsible for lost or missing personal mail. If the package is not picked up within 48 hours, the package will be returned to sender. The addressee can pick up their shipment from the Mail Center at 660 W. Redwood St.. Howard Hall, Room 021.

Note: This policy only applies to materials sent through the U.S. Postal Service and delivered by UMB Mail Services.

UMB Campus Mail Services offers a priority mailing service to the UMB campus. Employees must use the Priority mail form 07.02008. The form can be ordered from Strategic Factory by emailing them. The service is provided to ensure delivery to an individual or their mail contact personnel by obtaining a signature for delivery confirmation. Mail services will return a copy of the priority form to the sender after delivery. Mail services will only deliver to individuals who are currently in the UMB mail route system. If the addressee is not in the UMB mail route system or if the mail piece is refused, we will return the mail piece to the sender. If you have any questions concerning an employee’s eligibility for delivery, please call the Mail Center at 6-6709. A maximum of five priority mail pieces may be sent from one department daily.