Grants and Contracts are nuanced and not all answers pertaining to one award will apply to another award. At the root of all answers are a set of documents that can be used to guide us (Code of Federal Regulations, UMB policy, and the Grant or Contract document). The Grants and Contracts team can help faculty and staff navigate and understand their Grants and Contracts, as well as find opportunities for funding and assisting in the proposal and application stages.

Grants and Contracts Virtual Office Hours

During these times, the G&C team will be available to answer any questions you may have. Please note that the G&C Office Hours are not for status updates, but for more general questions. For status updates, please contact the G&C team email


Thursday 10:30am - 12:00pm

PI - Principal Investigator - UMB Faculty having the background and training in scientific and administrative oversight necessary to conduct and manage a sponsored project. 

SPA - Sponsored Programs Administration - UMB's pre-award central office.

KR - Kuali Research - UMB's grant management system.

SPAC- Sponsored Projects Accounting & Compliance - UMB's post-award central office.

A Sponsored Project ID number is an eight digit number that is used to identify a specific sponsored project (Grant or Contract). A SOAPF (Source, Org, Activity, Purpose, Function) is an accounting string used to identify an expense on UMB's general ledger. 

UMB's Grant Management system. Any award, agreement, or document that establishes a payment from an outside sponsor to UMB needs to be routed via Kuali Research. Please submit a Grant Transaction Form to notify the Grants and Contracts team. When in doubt, please reach out to the Grants and Contracts team and we will advise. 

No Cost Extensions are now requested through Kuali Research (SPA). Please submit a Grant Transaction Form to notify the Grants and Contracts team.

Any UMB employee who allocates their effort to a sponsored award must complete an effort report via the Effort Reporting System (Link under Post-Award). Please do not change any of the effort percentages when completing an effort report. If you believe the effort percentages to be incorrect then please email the Grants and Contracts team.

Report of Expenditures is the main closeout task that faculty and staff of departments receiving grants are exposed to. SPAC will send out an email once an award end date has passed and ask the Principal Investigator to review and sign the RoE.