All Activities Management Dashboard
Provides various graphical and tabular displays to analyze trends in revenues and expenses.
All Source
Provides revenue and expense detail across sources. Includes net asset rollforward. Drillable to SOAPF detail.
Tool to identify SOAPF codes meeting various criteria. Drillable to Budget to Actual Detail.
Budget to Actuals Summary
Analyzes revenues and expenses with comparisons to budget and previous fiscal years, summarized by chart of account segments.
Budget to Actuals Detail
Comprehensive review of activity for a single SOAPF code. Includes comparison to budget, previous fiscal years, and various reports on transactions and current balances. Ideal for managing an individual budget. Drillable to transaction detail.
Payroll Management Dashboard
Payroll Portfolio by Home Department
Displays how the labor costs of individuals employed by an organizational unit are funded across sources and by funding organization. Drillable to various levels of detail (employee, SOAPF, project).
Payroll Portfolio by Funding Department
Displays what labor costs an organizational unit is funding across its sources and by the home department of the employees' whose salaries they are funding. Drillable to various levels of detail (employee, SOAPF, project).
Payroll General Ledger Details
Analyze payroll activity charged to an individual SOAPF code.
Payroll Sponsored Details
Analyze payroll activity charged to an individual sponsored award or project.
Employee Detail
Analyze payroll charges for an individual employee across all of their funding sources. Available only to those with the Payroll Analyst role.
Sponsored Management Dashboard
Analyze year-over-year trends of sponsored proposals, awards, and expenditures on a fiscal year basis. Includes graphical and tabular displays of the data.
Identify Quantum awards and Quantum projects meeting various criteria. HINT: To search Kuali Research proposals and awards utilize the Kuali download pages on the download dashboard.
PI Profile
Provides a one-stop shop to provide information on the entire sponsored portfolio of an individual Principal Investigator. Drillable to Award Detail for a deeper analysis of each award.
Award Detail
Comprehensive details necessary to manage an individual award or project. Includes budget to actual as well as various reports of revenue and expense activity on an inception-to-date basis.
Find My Award
Having trouble finding your Award Number but you know other attributes like the Project Number, PI, Owning Organization, and Sponsor? Use this page to more quickly identify Awards.
F&A Yield
Displays “F&A Yield” – a calculation of the yield of the effective indirect cost rate, expressed as a percentage of total direct costs. Page provides users the option to see the results either with or without Cost Share.
Downloads Management Dashboard
Quantum GL Balances
Download General Ledger Balances by fiscal period at the OSOAPFUFI level. Amounts include fiscal period actuals, year-to-date actuals and encumbrances, and annual budgets.
Quantum Awards
Download Quantum Awards with budgets, revenues, billings, costs and commitments summarized at the award level. Also includes demographic data describing the awards. All data from Quantum Financials.
Quantum Projects
Download Quantum projects with budgets, revenues, billings, costs and commitments summarized at the project level. Also includes demographic data describing the projects and the awards with which they are associated. All data from Quantum Financials.
HRMS Payroll
Download payroll charges detail by employee, object, SOAPF, POETAF (if applicable), affected pay period, and posted pay period. Available only to those with the Payroll Analyst role.
Kuali Proposals
Provides a summary of proposals download detail.
Kuali Awards
Download Kuali Research award information at the award and project level.
Transaction Details Union
Find and download transaction detail information across all sub-ledgers.