As part of the Center for Information Technology Services (CITS), the IT Help Desk provides support to faculty, students, staff, affiliates, and all community system members for all Enterprise (campuswide) applications.

Email us or dial 410-706-HELP (4357)

601 W. Lombard St., Baltimore MD 21201
Health Sciences and Human Services Library, Room 540

Requests for help with Quantum Financials may be submitted through the UMB Help Desk either by email ( or by phone 410-706-4357 or 6-HELP from on campus. 

Providing the following information where possible will help the team troubleshoot your issue more quickly:

  • Detailed description of the issue
  • Functional area (such as Procurement or Accounts Payable)
  • Navigation/path (such as Procurement > Purchase Requisitions)
  • The page you are using (such as Manage Requisitions)
  • Error message
  • A screenshot