What is a Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP)?

A collegiate recovery program is a college- or university-provided supportive environment within the campus culture that reinforces the decision to engage in a lifestyle of recovery from addiction. It is designed to provide an educational opportunity alongside recovery support to ensure that students do not have to sacrifice one for the other.

To meet the needs of this growing population of recovering young adults as they pursue their educations, several colleges and universities have developed collegiate recovery communities to help young adults in recovery maintain their abstinence while pursuing their educations.

UMB Scholars for Recovery offers:

  • Peer support group meetings
  • Mentoring
  • Substance-free events
  • Education and wellness workshops
  • On-campus and off-campus resources

UMB Scholars for Recovery Mission Statement:

The mission of the UMB Scholars for Recovery group is to promote the academic and social well-being of recovering students at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) through the praxis of social justice, empowerment, and community-building. We seek to provide a supportive atmosphere on campus for students who are in recovery, wish to recover from an addiction, persons who are affected by another person’s addiction, and all friends of recovery. 

  • To promote and enhance the political, academic, and socioeconomic progress of students in recovery and the students who support them. 
  • To pursue social change for vulnerable and oppressed students suffering with, and in recovery from, substance use. 
  • To strive to ensure access to needed information, services, and resources, and to promote equality and opportunity for UMB scholars.

  • To serve as a resource to prospective recovering students.
  • To facilitate the transition of incoming recovering students upon their arrival at UMB.
  • To promote a more progressive and conscious atmosphere within the UMB campus that addresses the culture of recovery.

  • To establish and maintain personal/professional relationships that serve the recovering community outside the UMB system.
  • To establish and maintain personal/professional relationships that serve the recovering community within the UMB system.
  • To establish and maintain personal/professional relationships with alumni of UMB.