How do I set a preferred name?
Students: Preferred name can be set by filling out the name administration form below.
To request a preferred name for the online directory for employees, please visit UMB Preferred Name Administration
Can I use my preferred name for everything in the university?
Preferred name will only be used in cases where the use of your legal name is not absolutely necessary. Examples of where your legal name/s are necessary due to state or federal requirements include, but are not limited to, financial aid documents, payroll, official transcripts, and federal immigration documents. In some cases, if you indicate a preferred name, it may be necessary to clarify that your preferred name is different than your legal name. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, official interactions with campus police, law enforcement, and verification of medical records. In these situations, please be prepared to validate and provide identifiers for our legal record data. One of the best suggestions is to start an interaction involving one of the situations noted above is to provide your student or employee ID number and state that you have both a preferred name and legal name in our system and provide one or both in your discussion while working with that university employee.
Who has access to my legal and preferred name?
Following the Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA), staff with an administrative need (e.g., police, health and financial services; deans’ office staff) will see both legal and preferred names. Similar to GPA’s and other sensitive information, these staff are trained on the implications of this access.
When will my preferred name appear in campus systems?
Typically, preferred name requests will be processed within 1-3 business days of submission. Once processed, the preferred name will appear in campus systems in 3 business days.
How many times can I change my preferred name?
Changing your preferred name more than once can lead to confusion regarding your identity, challenges in customer service, and/or the interruption of your ability to access some university systems.
May I change my preferred name to whatever I want?
When possible, your preferred name should only include alphabetical characters (A-Z and a-z), a space, or hyphen (-). Using other symbols may prevent your name from appearing as you prefer in campus software. It is a violation of the UMB Preferred Name Policy to indicate a preferred name for the purposes of misrepresentation or fraud. Once entered, a user’s preferred name may take up to 3 business days to reach affected systems. New preferred names are reviewed and approved by the university office of the registrar.
What happens if someone requests an inappropriate name?
Any preferred name that may be deemed to be an attempt at misrepresentation, fraud, or interpreted as offensive will be denied by the university office of the registrar. The student will receive an email indicating the denial. Students who are denied can contact the office of the registrar via email: to discuss the denial.
How do I delete my preferred name?
If you have entered a preferred name and later decide that you would prefer to use your legal name everywhere on campus, simply contact the university office of the registrar.
Why am I not allowed to use a preferred last name?
To ensure that instructor and other staff are able to appropriately identify you for class attendance, grading, and other university purposes, your primary/legal last name will always appear in conjunction with a preferred first and/or middle name. Last name changes can only be changed through a legal name change.
I have more questions about my preferred name/ and or the Preferred Name Policy, who can I contact?
Contact the university office of the registrar – (410) – 706-7480 –
How do I correct or change my legal name at the university?
Legal name changes are handled by the university office of the registrar. Request to Change Personal Information and supply two forms of documentation that reference your new name. Example documentation are your driver’s license, birth certificate, passport, and court or other legal documents.
How does the preferred name policy affect F1 and J1 students?
Preferred name is for use within the university community. International students may feel free to select a preferred name for on-campus use. However, this does not apply in situations where one’s legal name is required to be used. For the purpose of F-1 or J-1 student visa status, the legal name must be used on an 1-20 and DS-2019. An individual’s legal name is what appears in the passport.
How will university mail be affected?
University mail will use your name from the directory. The directory will use your preferred name.
Places where the legal name (and not a preferred name) will be used?
- Student Accounts
- TouchNet Bill +Payment
- Financial Aid
- Enrollment verifications (unless you have chosen FERPA Exclusion)
- Official UMB Transcript
- Human Resources and Student Employment Documents
- Immigration and Visa-Related Documentation
- Required State and Federal Data Submissions
- Commencement Program
- University ID
How do I update my UMB email address?
If you have completed the Preferred Name change form and it has been approved by the university registrar, the change will occur within 24 hours, if submitted Monday-Friday during normal business hours
Can I have my preferred name printed on my university ID?
Yes. You can have your preferred name printed on the One Card ID. There is no cost for a preferred name or name change in exchange to your old ID. For assistance contact the One Card Office at or call 410-706-6943 to schedule an appointment.