Pursuant to Section 668.43 of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, the University of Maryland makes readily available to enrolled and prospective students the following information on the transfer of academic credit.

Documents Needed for Transfer of Credit

Transfer credit is only granted when it appears on an official transcript. Official transcripts must be received in a sealed institutional envelope and should normally include the signature of the Registrar and the seal of the sending institution. The standards set forth above also apply to international institutions. In cases in which students are unable to produce an official transcript from an international institution, the official report from a reputable credential evaluation service may be an acceptable substitute.

Acceptable Transfer Credits

The acceptability of transfer credits will depend on, among other factors, the original institution’s accreditation status or lack thereof, where the original institution is located and whether it is public or private.

Regardless of the institution, the University does not use remedial or ROTC coursework as transfer credit. Generally, if the credit was not counted at the sending institution, it will not be acceptable by the University as transfer credit.

If the sending institution is a public school in the state of Maryland, the student must have received a D or better grade in the course. If the institution is outside Maryland, or a private school in the state of Maryland, the student must have received a C or better grade in the course. If the student has been given a grade of Pass, P, S, Satisfactory, or some other indefinite term and the school is private or located outside Maryland, the University will not use the course as transfer credit unless the transcript specifically states grades such as these are at least a C.