Use these links to find essential resources, information, and tools to help investigators successfully submit a proposal and manage awards or contractual relationships.
Services for Investigators
Sponsored Programs Administration
Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) provides oversight and administrative support to investigators and departmental administrators.
Sponsored Programs AdministrationSponsored Projects Accounting and Compliance (SPAC)
Sponsored Projects Accounting and Compliance (SPAC) serves as a resource and partner to departmental administrators and researchers in all aspects of post-award financial administration.
Sponsored Projects Accounting and ComplianceKuali Research
Kuali Research is UMB's enterprise system for electronic research administration. Look here for user tips, tools, and guides.
Kuali ResearchClinical Trials and Corporate Contracts
The Center for Clinical Trials and Corporate Contracts (CCT) assists faculty investigators with material transfer agreements, clinical study budgets, and agreements between UMB and the for-profit sector.
Clinical Trials and Corporate ContractsCICERO Log-in
CICERO is a comprehensive online solution for the review of human, animal, and in vitro research.
CICERO Log-inConflict of Interest
The University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB) Conflict of Interest Office is the University’s designated office for the management of financial conflicts of interest in research.
Conflict of InterestHuman Research Protections
Human Research Protections (HRP) is a comprehensive program that affords protections for all human research participants and is under the direct leadership of the Vice President and Chief Accountability Officer.
Human Research ProtectionsEnvironmental Health and Safety
The EHS mission is about education, safety, and service. We enhance the safety of our community through education and service.
Environmental Health and SafetyExport Compliance
Export controls are U.S. laws that regulate the distribution to foreign nationals, foreign entities, and foreign countries of strategically important technology, services, and information for reasons of foreign policy and national security.
Export ComplianceEffort Reporting
All Effort Reports must be done in the Effort Reporting System
Effort Reporting