“These achievements have happened because everybody pulled together — faculty, staff, and students. The past several years have been really trying, and many distractions and obstacles have been put in our way. But we have not faltered, we have flourished.”

 — Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS

  • 2022 SOTU Transcript

    UMB President Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS, delivered his 2022 State of the University Address on Nov. 9, recapping UMB’s recent accomplishments and looking forward to its exciting future.

    This event included recognition of UMB’s 2022 Founders Week award winners, Catalyst for Excellence honorees, and the UMB Foundation’s Distinguished Service Award recipients.

    Read the 2022 State of the University Address .

  • Challenges Met, Challenges Ahead

    President Bruce Jarrell affirmed his commitment to Baltimore and thanks the UMB community for fulfilling the University’s mission amid adversity while positioning it for future success.

    Read the rest of the story.


“It is the honor of my life to lead UMB. It is an honor to be challenged every day to lead it in a way that brings pride to all of you who have chosen to learn and work here, all of you who carry out our mission to heal, cure, and strengthen; to save lives, enrich communities, advance justice, and promote the rule of law.”

 — Jay A. Perman, MD


“When people talk to me about what UMB means to them, they don’t talk to me about our research enterprise — the grants and contracts we win — or the number of professionals we graduate. Instead, they talk to me about their sister, their mother, their friend [whom we helped]. They rarely talk to me about the diploma they saw on their provider’s wall, but they do talk to me about how that provider made them feel — important, reassured, worth listening to, worth caring about.”

 — Jay A. Perman, MD


    Read Dr. Perman’s full State of the University Address.



  • Perman: UMB’s Impact Felt Near, Far

    One must look at how programs impact people to fully appreciate how the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) serves the city, nation, and world. This was at the heart of the fifth annual State of the University Address — “UMB as a Public Good” — delivered May 9 by University President Jay A. Perman, MD.

    Read the rest of the story.


"UMB leads through action. We lead by doing, not by saying. We lead by a consuming conviction that our work matters. That knowledge matters. That science matters. That service matters. That justice matters. That truth matters." — Jay A. Perman, MD


Browse photos from Dr. Perman's address.


“It’s been a busy year — to me, a deeply rewarding year — and, I believe, a watershed year for uniting around the cause that has come to define UMB: improve the human condition and serve the public good.”

President Jay A. Perman

Read the full text of the 2016 State of the University Address.


“When our excellence shows, people notice. And they want to be with us, on the front lines — dismantling structural poverty and inequity; applying their scholarship and their service to solving the most challenging problems we confront as a society; making Maryland and the world more just, more enlightened, healthier, and more humane."

President Jay A. Perman

Read the full text of the 2015 State of the University address.


"At my inauguration, I could only look forward and tell you of my aspirations for our University’s future. I now stand before you again, this time with the opportunity to review what we have accomplished through collaboration and teamwork, and what we intend to do. … UMB has accomplished much — but much remains to be accomplished. And we must put our heads together."

President Jay A. Perman

Read the full text of the 2014 State of the University address.