Notices, Updates, and Reminders
The Subrecipient Commitment Form has been updated. Please use the latest version, dated 1/13/2025.
NIH Forms I - When you link to the funding opportunity in Kuali Research, select Forms I for proposal due dates on or after January 25. If you started a proposal in Kuali Research using a Forms H opportunity, look up the current (Forms I) opportunity, then navigate to the S2S section of your KR proposal and "Change Opportunity".
Notice regarding the Uniform Guidance 2024 Revision
All Kuali Research Proposals (8/21/2024): In the Attachments section, Internal Attachments, add three placeholder documents. These placeholders allow SPA - or you - to upload internal documents without going through the recall/bypass process. Save a blank or placeholder document to PDF, upload it, and mark it as FINAL.
Please click "Update Now" on the notice that pops up on your draft Kuali Build forms. Changes will not affect forms already submitted into workflow.
SPA Book Club. Join us to discuss Demystifying the Academic Research Enterprise by Kelvin K. Droegemeier. More information is found in the notification email dated May 21, 2024