Index of Key Terms and Topics

Links to pages on key research administration topics.

Absence or disengagement of PI


Activity types

Address request, Kuali Research — new entries for persons (non-UMB), performance sites, subrecipients, sponsors

Administrative salaries

Allowable costs

Award modification

Animal use

ASSIST (NIH multi-project proposal submission)

Authorized signature

Award review and negotiation

Bank accounts — policy on special bank accounts for UMB funds

Budget development

Budget modification

Budgets for clinical studies

Campus visitors

Carryforward (budget carryover)

Checklist for international proposals

Checklist for NIH F-series proposals (fellowships)

Checklist for NIH K-series proposals (career development)

Checklist for NIH R-series proposals (research)

Child project request

Clinical billing analysis

Clinical study and clinical research agreements


Collaborator roles

Community System (add nonemployee as a UMB affiliate)

Confidential disclosure agreement

Conflict of interest

Congressional district


Continuous submission (NIH)

Contract negotiation

Copyright protection/disclosure

Corporate agreements

Cost sharing

Cost transfers

Data management and sharing plans (NIH)

DRIF allocation form

eCommons User access and affiliation


EIN - Entity Identification Number

Equipment management

Export controls and compliance

F&A cost recovery rates

Faculty transfer (incoming to UMB)

Faculty transfer (outgoing)

Fastlane (NSF) User access and affiliation

Federal grant regulations and policies

Federal notices of interest

Fellowship proposals (NIH)

Fly America Act

FOIA - Freedom of Information Act requests

Foreign subrecipients

Foreign travel

Frequently requested proposal information (UEI, EIN, etc)

Fringe benefits

Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) review worksheet

Funding opportunity search

Gift definition

Human study records in Kuali Research

Human subjects

Human subject study record decision tree tool

Indirect costs

Institutional base salary (IBS)

Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)

Institutional data for proposals

Institutional review board (IRB)

Intergovernmental Personnel Assignment (IPA)

Internal proposal/award routing

International collaborations

International travel


Intellectual Property (IP) waiver process

Invention disclosure

Just-in-time documentation

Key persons in Kuali Research

Kuali Build log-in (Subaward Request)

Kuali Research requests (user access; entries for non-UMB persons, performance sites, subrecipients, sponsors)

Letters of intent

Limited submission

Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) requests

Material transfer agreements

Medicare billing analysis

Modular budgets

MPowering collaborations

Multi-PI proposals

Multi-project NIH proposals


National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)

National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA)

Negotiation of awards and agreements

NIH fellowship applications

NIH Grants Policy Statement

NIH salary cap

No-cost extension

NSF Science Code

On- and Off-Campus Buildings

Organizations (Subrecipients) - add to Kuali Research

Other Significant Contributor (OSC)

Patient care costs

Participant support costs

Payment addresses

Peer review

Performance sites in Kuali Research

PI transfer (incoming to UMB)

PI transfer (outgoing)

Policies and procedures

Pre-award spending


Principal Investigator eligibility policy

Principal Investigator responsibilities

Prior approval requests

Procedures library

Project set-up

Proposal budget development

Proposal routing

Proposal writing

Public access data and/or software

Public access to publications

Purchase orders for subawards

RAC (Research Administrators Committee)

Record retention

Research Administrators Committee (The RAC)

Routing (proposals for funding)

Routing (unfunded agreements)

RPPR (NIH Research Performance Progress Report)

Salary cap


Society of Research Administrators (SRA) International

SPA-SPAC update meetings

Sponsored Projects Accounting and Compliance (SPAC)

Sponsor review of proposals

Sponsor - add to Kuali Research


Subaward request

Subawards (outgoing - UMB issues subaward)

Subrecipient (organization) — request to add to Kuali Research

Subrecipient (Subaward) budget forms - forms to use in the Kuali Research budget

Subrecipient Commitment Form

Temporary projects and request form

Training in Kuali Research

Training in grants and contracts

Travel rates - mileage and per diem

UMB Foundation (UMBF) proposals

Unfunded agreements

Uniform Guidance

U.S. Flag Carrier/Open Skies

Vendor or subrecipient determination

Visiting scientist or scholar

Writing proposals