The proposal budget is based on anticipated and estimated costs. Can you update the budget after the award has been made? Some awards allow flexibility in reallocating funds from one budget category to another, and some must be expended as originally budgeted unless sponsor approval is obtained.

Budget Modification Form

Budget Modification Requests

Sponsor approval

Sponsor approval for budget modification is required when award terms and conditions place restrictions on one or more spending categories.

The PI initiates a request to the sponsor to request the budget modification. The request should include the budget categories with dollar amounts to be increased and decreased, and a justification for the requested changes. The justification should address why the reallocation of funds is needed, and how it benefits the project. A Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) authorized official will review, approve, and submit the request to the sponsor.

Upon receipt of sponsor approval, complete the budget modification request form and attach the sponsor approval document.

Internal approvals

Complete the budget modification form and have the PI sign. Obtain the additional required signatures in the following order:
1. Department administrator
2. Department chair
3. Dean (not required for schools of medicine and pharmacy)
Submit the form to Sponsored Project Accounting and Compliance. When required, attach documentation of sponsor approval.