The NIH other support format page has been updated for application due dates and RPPR submissions on/after January 25, 2022 (See NOT-OD-21-073 / NOT-OD-21-110 for specific changes and details).
How to Comply with NIH Other Support Reporting
NIH Other Support page - contains links to FAQs, detailed instructions, and a sample
Kuali Research reporting tool for Current and Pending Support
Disclose ALL active and pending sources of Other Support:
Sponsored projects/proposals (including projects not routed through UMB or conducted as part of a non-UMB appointment)
Active/pending sponsored project total award amount for all senior/key personnel
Note: For subawards, only the total subaward amount needs to be included
Enter your support entries so they are grouped together based on the "Status of Support" and are in the order of Active and Pending Support from top to bottom.
Other support does not include training awards, prizes, gifts, or start-up support provided to the individual by UMB
Effort: For an active project, provide the level of actual effort in person months (even if unsalaried) for the current budget period and indicate the proposed level of effort for each remaining budget period. For a pending project, indicate the level of effort in person months as proposed for each budget period.
External consulting: Include external consulting when an investigator will be involved in the design, conduct, or reporting of research as part of the consulting activities (e.g., work that may result in publication in an academic journal, designing a protocol, data analysis, serving on a steering committee for a clinical trial)