Subaward was included in the funded proposal
The department begins the process by submitting a Subaward Request for each subrecipient included in the funded proposal. Check again to ensure your Subrecipient’s relationship to UMB is truly that of a Subrecipient, and not that of a supplier/vendor. Review the vendor or subrecipient guidance.
This page outlines the Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) process. SPA issues subawards. The Center for Clinical Trials and Corporate Contracts (CCT) issues subawards under industry-sponsored clinical trials. Strategic Sourcing and Acquisition Services issues consultant and vendor agreements
Initiate the Subaward Request after UMB receives the award notice and the Award has been set up in Kuali Research. You will need the Kuali Research (KR) Award ID and other information to complete the Subaward Request.
After-the-fact Subawards
Your subrecipient must be listed as an Approved Subaward in the KR Award record so that you can submit a Subaward Request.
If the proposed subaward was not part of the original proposal submitted to the sponsor, sponsor approval is usually required before UMB issues the subaward.
- Is the funding award a grant or a contract? Most agreements and contracts require that UMB obtain the sponsor's prior approval before entering into any subaward. Review the agreement terms and conditions.
- Who is the sponsor? For NIH grants (only), sponsor approval is required for foreign subrecipients but not for domestic (U.S.) subrecipients. For all other sponsors, you must review the award terms and conditions and sponsor policies to determine whether sponsor approval is required.
If NO prior approval is needed, send an email to with the request to update the KR Award record with the Approved Subaward. Provide the KR Award number and the organization(s) that should be added.
If prior approval is needed, work with your SPA Team to request sponsor prior approval. The request is initiated by the PI and signed by SPA. A written response from the sponsor grant/contract officer is required. Once that prior approval documentation is obtained, SPA will update the KR Award ID with the Approved Subaward.
Helpful templates and information
Budget. Use the Budget template-subaward request. A budget is required for new subawards and for modifications that add dollars to the subaward. The budget will include salary, fringe benefits (at the subrecipient's rate), operating expenses (supplies, equipment, travel), and F&A costs.
For fixed price/deliverable subawards, provide a payment schedule including deliverables (and due dates) and payment dates and amounts.
Scope of Work. This document should describe, with a reasonable amount of detail, what the subrecipient investigators will do for the project. Statement of Work template
Special conditions or requirements to be included in the subaward may be described in the Subaward Request. Examples: additional reports, data, shared research materials, and timetables. Include these in the Comments section of the form.
Commitment form: For new subawards, the Subrecipient Commitment Form must be completed and signed by the subrecipient’s authorized official and uploaded to the Subaward Request.
Unique Entity ID (UEI) requirement: When the prime sponsor is federal, the subrecipient's Unique Entity ID (UEI) is required by award terms and is used for UMB's reporting to the federal government. Subrecipients obtain a UEI from
When applicable, SPA will require:
- IRB or IACUC approvals.
- Human subject training certifications for all key personnel.
- Approval for use of select agents.
- Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) certifications for all key personnel (NIH-funded projects).
- Copy of subrecipient's Federally Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement, when applicable and if not provided in the proposal