To determine whether your funding is considered a gift or a sponsored project, review these descriptions.

Gifts are managed by the UMB Foundation, and sponsored projects are managed by Sponsored Programs Administration.

Grant proposals and the UMB Foundation

  • Gifts

    Are given with no strings attached

    • Donor surrenders control of donation; transfer of funds or item of value is irrevocable
    • Any report provided to the donor is a courtesy and not a condition of the receipt of funds

    Provide unrestricted or donor-designated support for general programs (such as the Cancer Center) or projects (such as buildings)

  • Sponsored Projects

    Come with strings attached (conditions), such as:

    • Restrictions on how funds may be expended
    • Report requirements (program and/or financial)
    • Project work to be delivered (services, data, training, etc.)
    • Time periods for conducting the funded project
    • Penalties for failing to use the funds or to deliver the items on a timely basis

    Support specific projects, programs, or services (research, training, clinical)