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The University System of Maryland Board of Regents has tasked the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) and the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP) with establishing a special working relationship that is designed to promote innovation and impact through collaboration. This collaborative relationship is called MPowering the State.

Sponsored Programs implementation of the MPowering the State initiative

  • “Prime campus” is the campus of the Principal Investigator who is submitting the proposal to the funding Sponsor
  • “Subrecipient campus” is the other UM campus, where the collaborating investigator is located.

These roles are specific to each proposal. Either UMB or UMCP may be the Prime campus.

Proposal Preparation

  • When UMB is the Prime campus, obtain the completed MPowering Collaborating Letter from UMCP. Upload it in the Attachments section of the Kuali Research proposal as an Internal attachment.
  • Kuali Research Reminder: When UMB is the Prime campus, add UMB employees (and affiliates who are in UMB's Community System) from the Employee lookup. Add UMCP and other proposals persons from the Non-employee look-up (Address Book). You can limit your Employee lookup search to UMB employees by entering 02 in the Campus Code field (toward the bottom of the search window just above the “Continue” button). In addition to email address and unit clues, UMB employees have an 8-digit User ID.


UMB: Danielle Brown

UMCP: Elizabeth Brittan-Powell

Further Information about the MPowering Collaboration

MPowering the State

UM Ventures

UMCP information about preparing MPowering the State proposals