Approval routing is required for all projects funded by an external sponsor.
Principal Investigator (PI) Certification. The PI, by certifying the proposal in Kuali Research, promises to perform the project and to follow the relevant compliance, reporting, and other award requirements for that sponsor. Certification in Kuali Research documents the written assurances required of the PI by federal agencies and other sponsors, and meets standards for a dated electronic signature.
Approvals. Internal approvals for proposal submission and award acceptance are obtained via Kuali Research. Office of Research and Development institutional officials are authorized to commit the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) and its resources to the project, and to accept an award or agreement on behalf of UMB.
Certification and approval instructions
Internal (intramural) grant proposals are not entered in Kuali Research. Use the internal routing form to route these proposals if Sponsored Projects Accounting and Compliance (SPAC) will need to set up a Project and submit financial reports.