Grant proposals sent system-to-system to the DOD have special characteristics. Follow these instructions and work with the SPA Proposals team if you have questions.
- On the Pre-Application, enter Christine To'Alepai as the Authorized Official.
- The proposal number assigned to the Pre-Application is entered in Kuali Research as the "Sponsor Proposal ID". If you are a partnering PI, the proposal number will be followed by P1
- The Sponsor Proposal ID field is on the KR proposal's Sponsor & Program Information section.
- Upload the Pre-Application as an Internal Attachment.
- Enter all the attachments (except the budget justification) in the reverse order. Then, when you print the proposal, everything will appear in the correct order.
- Follow DOD instructions for attachment names. In KR, in the Description field, enter the name of the attachment (example: Statement of Work).
- Even if an attachment is not applicable, you must upload a blank "placeholder" attachment with the correct attachment name.