Kuali Research User Access: Access request form, role descriptions, and tips about how to get yourself or someone in your department access to Kuali Research.
Kuali Research: After you have been granted a role in Kuali Research, log in through the myUMB portal or use this direct link to Kuali Research. Select the UMaryland-Baltimore link, then log in with your UMID and password. KR User Resources
Kuali Research Training: Required for administrators who will create proposals on behalf of PIs; optional for others.
Kuali Build: Select the UMaryland-Baltimore link, then log in with your UMID and password to access certain administrative forms. Examples: Subaward Request (to initiate an outgoing subaward), No Cost Extension Request.
Quantum User Access: Log in with your UMID and password. Access request form for Quantum Financials and Quantum Analytics.
Quantum Training: Log in with your UMID and password. Classes and demos.
NSF Research.gov: Request an NSF account for your PI
eRA Commons: Request an eRA Commons account for yourself (Assistant role) or for your PI