New Policy Prohibiting Participation in Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs and Requiring Disclosure of Participation in FTRPs
Memo sent to RAC 11/20/2024
Dear Colleagues,
Please see below for important information about a recently approved UMB policy.
New UMB Policy. III-11.0: Policy Prohibiting Participation in Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs and Requiring Disclosure of Participation in Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs.
Approved September 23, 2024.
This Policy is issued by the Office of Research and Development (ORD) and originates from the CHIPS & Science Act of 2022 (CHIPS Act) and National Security Presidential Memorandum 33 (NSPM-33). This Policy prohibits participation in a Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program (MFTRP). In addition, to comply with the CHIPS Act, NSPM-33 and federal agency policies, UMB employees seeking and/or receiving federal funding are required to certify that they are not a party to a MFTRP and must disclose participation in Foreign Talent Recruitment Programs (FTRP) to UMB and federal sponsors.
Some foreign government-sponsored talent programs are designed to recruit U.S. science and technology experts and transfer abroad knowledge gained from U.S. federally funded research in an unfair and non-transparent manner. ORD’s Research Security Team within Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA), has launched a resource hub complete with information on MFTRPs and FTRPs along with definitions, examples, and warning signs. Please review the Research Security website for more information. University employees are strongly encouraged to seek guidance from the Research Security Team if they are unsure whether a contract, agreement, or arrangement with a foreign entity constitutes a restricted MFTRP, as such involvement could impact federally funded research activities. SPA will continue to disseminate information and updates on this topic along with UMB procedures to comply with certifications and disclosure requirements.
Thank you,
Jill A. Frankenfield
Associate Vice President, Sponsored Programs Administration