Memo sent to RAC 5/17/2024

Good morning,

As of Monday, May 20, new required supplemental fields will be added, and the Anticipated Award Type field will be made required in Kuali Research (KR) proposals.

On the Sponsor & Program Information section of the KR proposal, select the Anticipated Award Type field.  Please refer to this web page for information about Award Types. The funding opportunity or the proposed agreement document will usually have information about the anticipated award type. If you have questions, please contact the SPA Proposal team at

On the Supplemental Info section of the KR proposal, there will be a UMB tab with three new fields:

  • F&A Rate
  • F&A Type
  • On/Off Campus

The information is in the KR budget module but is difficult to extract for reporting or award set-up. Entering the data in these fields should improve accuracy of information sent to Quantum Analytics for campus reporting, and ease one of the causes of delays in award set-up.

Using the information from the KR budget:

Enter the rate in the F&A Rate field.  Use digits only; no percent sign.
Select the F&A Type (MTDC, TDC or Other)
Enter ON or OFF to designate which rate was applied in the budget.

Note that the Supplemental Info validations are in place for ALL proposals including unfunded agreements.  For now, for unfunded agreements, enter 0, Other, and ON for the F&A fields.


Janet Simons
Director, Research Policy and Training
Sponsored Programs Administration