

The FFR Team – also known as Quality Assurance now handles all awards that have a billing basis of LOC and a source of 315.   These awards will no longer be managed by the Billing Teams.   Reporting for Letter of Credit (LOC) type awards is very different than requesting the money to cover expenses.  Since this is a two-pronged approach SPAC felt that these awards should have their own area to ensure timely revenues and reporting.


This team also performs behind the scenes work that involves little interaction with the departments



Costing and Compliance

CAR Team

Setup Team

Billing Teams

Hamid Badiei-Boushehri Portrait 

Hamid Badiei-Boushehri

Sedrick Henry Portrait 

Sedrick Henry
Sr. Accountant 1

AJ Singh Portrait 

AJ Singh

Sr. Accountant 1

Leidy Duran Portrait 

Leidy Duran
Financial Analyst

Fatima Ahmad Portrait 

Fatima Ahmad

Financial Analyst

Headshot of Natalia Sproul for website

Natalia Sproul
Accountant 1