You may pay your account balance by ACH or credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa) via TouchNet® Bill+Payment™.
To make a payment:
- Login to SURFS
- Select the Student tab
- Click on TouchNet® Bill+Payment™
- Click on “Make a Payment”
- You will be prompted to either enter the payment amount, or you can pay by term balance.
Service fees are not assessed for online payments made via a checking/savings account (ACH). A Returned ACH Fee of $25.00 will be assessed to your student account for any returned ACH payments.
A non-refundable service fee is charged to credit card payments as a percentage of the total payment, with a minimum charge of $3.00. The service fee percentage, as well as the $3.00 minimum, is established by TouchNet PayPath to cover credit card processing costs. The non-refundable PayPath service charge percentage is disclosed by TouchNet at time of payment.