Energy Saving Tips

Educate Yourself and Your Peers

Keeping track of all the ways to save electricity and how much electricity you are using can be confusing. Check out this page from the Department of Energy that helps you estimate appliance and home electronic energy usage through monitor suggestions, and an energy use calculator.

By normalizing different ways to save energy in your daily routine, you also are being a great example to your co-workers, family members, and friends! Help save energy and help save the Earth!

Check out the tips below!

On Campus

If you are the last person to leave a lab or a workspace, make sure all of the lights are turned off and unplug equipment/devices that can be unplugged.

In a lab? Remember to close your fume hood when not in use.

If you need to keep your equipment on, utilize the standby mode.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator, if you are able to.

Turn off your monitors, printer, and other electronics when not in use. Unplug your devices when they’re fully charged. Not only does help save energy, but it also extends the lifespan of the device’s battery. 

Try and avoid unnecessary printing. Can it be sent as an email? Can you make edits online? 

Check out on of our current projects in the Saratoga Building to reduce energy, the Saratoga Building Energy Reduction Pilot

At Home

Switch to LEDs to save energy and reduce the number of bulbs you end up tossing. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) use about 25 to 80 percent less energy and last three to 25 times longer than the typical incandescent bulb (U.S. Department of Energy). To create the same amount of light, an incandescent bulb emits 60 watts of energy compared to 12.5 watts for LEDs. Check out how we are doing this on campus through the LED Lighting Upgrade. 

Already have LEDs installed? Try keeping the lights off if you can. By taking advantage of natural lighting, not only are you saving energy, but you also are getting some great Vitamin D, which has many health benefits.

Try to get your heating and cooling systems checked out annually. While you may want to avoid this cost, by getting regular checkups you can avoid expensive repair costs, or a new replacement.

Also, set your thermostat! Generally, 68 degrees during the winter and 72 degrees in the summertime.

Wash your laundry in cold water and use a detergent that works for cold water to save energy.

If you’re using a dryer, make sure you are drying a full load to not waste energy, and your money. If you aren’t attached to your dryer, hang up your clothes to dry!

If you have a dishwasher, use that instead of handwashing — it saves water (and energy). Also, don’t use the heat-dry setting on your dishwasher, and let your dishes air dry.

Cover your pans and pots when cooking (if it works for what you're cooking) to speed up the process, especially when boiling water!

When cooking on the stove, match the pan size with the correct burner size to reduce wasted energy. 

Going to work or going to sleep? Avoid energy “vampires” by unplugging items not in use.

During the summer, keep your curtains closed to keep your rooms cooler and during the winter, open up your curtains to let the sun heat up the area. 

Reconsider if your phone or over devices need the whole night to charge. Usually, electronic devices only need a few hours at most to charge and end up wasting energy overnight. 

If you notice a tap is leaking, fix it ASAP! A leaky tap can cost you lots of money and energy. 

Try taking a cooler shower. Not only is it good for your energy bill, it also is better for your skin and hair.

Try timing yourself to see how long you take in the shower. The longer your shower, the more energy, water, and money you are using. 

Turn off the tap when you are brushing your teeth, or when you are applying shampoo and conditioner. 

Do you have feedback about sustainability at UMB? We would love to hear from you; contact us using our feedback form.