What is UMBengaged?

UMBengaged provides the tools for managing student organizations and encouraging growth and development as students engage in co-curricular activities.

Quick Links

Log in to UMBengaged

Introduction and Tour of UMBengaged

UMBengaged Help Center

Student Event Registration and Approval Guide and FAQ

UMBengaged can help you collect community service hours, manage your organization roster, store documents, track event attendance, and much more!

UMB students, faculty, and staff have access to UMBengaged and simply need to log in through the single sign-in process. To be an administrator of a department or organization on UMBengaged, contact Intercultural Leadership and Engagement.


UMBengaged Tutorials

The following videos have been created to assist new users of UMBengaged. These videos can be viewed on YouTube.  

  • Introduction and Tour of UMBengaged
    • For first-time users, this video provides a brief overview of the UMBengaged platform, specifically showcasing the features related to user profiles, groups, and events.
  • Setting up and Registering Your Student Group or Department
    • Users who are organizational or departmental representatives/officers can register their group through the UMBengaged system. This video provides UMB students and employees with the information related to registering, navigating, and utilizing the various tools housed under the UMBengaged Groups Function.
  • How to Set up an Event
    • UMBengaged is a great tool to plan, market, implement, and track events and programs. This video provides a brief introduction to the events function and how users can create and add their events to UMBengaged.
  • Event Tracking and Attendance
    • Following the creation of an event, This video provides a step-by-step guide for users to check individuals into events, track attendance, and pull demographic information.
  • Creating Forms and Surveys in UMBengaged
    • UMBengaged provides a comprehensive tool for users to create forms, surveys, election rosters, and reports. This video showcases the forms and survey functionality of the platform and how users can create logic-based forms to collect and report data.
  • Using the Mobile Application
    • The platform behind UMBengaged, Campus Groups, provides users with a free mobile app to download on smartphones and tablets. This video provides a brief introduction to the Campus Groups application and its use alongside other UMBengaged features to register for events, track involvement, and manage events.