URecFit and Wellness provides vouchers for certain times to be used in the Pratt Garage located at 646 W. Pratt St. The individual will pull a ticket when entering the garage and when they leave the garage, they will present the ticket and voucher, obtained at the Business Desk, to the parking attendant or scan the ticket and voucher (barcode) at a booth. URecFit and Wellness does not collect any money for the vouchers. All payment is done with parking services.
- Vouchers are not valid Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- You must bring the parking ticket (obtained when entering the garage) to the Business Desk at the time of requesting a voucher. A URecFit and Wellness staff will attach the voucher label on the back of the parking ticket.
- The vouchers produce a flat rate of $2 for a period not exceeding two hours.
- When exiting the garage, first scan the barcode on the parking ticket, then scan the barcode on the voucher label attached to the back of the parking ticket.
- If an individual stays longer than two hours, or is outside the allowed time frame, it will default to the hourly visitor rate.
Please stop by the business desk to obtain a reduced rate voucher.
For information about student and/or faculty and staff parking, please click here.
Metered parking is available on Penn and Pratt streets.