Part 2: Opportunities & Applications
Main Text
Dobrin, S. (2023). “Part II: Opportunities and Applications.” AI and Writing.
Supplemental Material
- Blog: Stanford, D. (2024). The Best AI Syllabus Policies I've Seen So Far. – a collections of syllabus statements around GenAI usages, from different disciplines. Stanford also provides a brief analysis of what works well in each of those statements.
- Blog: Sidorkin, A., (2024). What does AI reveal about relational pedagogy? – a short but thought-provoking blog post (might take 1-2 minutes to read) about the role that AI might play in education.
- TikTok Videos: Gibson, K. (2023). AI Bot Essay Plan. & Gibson, K. (2023). Update on ChatGPT. – two short videos by a high school English teacher on using ChatGPT in her classroom (video 1) and her students’ responses (video 2).
- Website: Centennial College. (2024). GenAI Sample Assignment Level statements: How do I communicate if and how GenAI use is permitted in my assignments? – provides sample statements for faculty on how students might use GenAI, with different levels of “permission.