Appointment Eligibility
You must be a graduate of a UMB program or a registered UMB student, faculty member, or postdoctoral fellow to use the appointment services of the Writing Center. Our consultants are able to meet with you at any stage of the writing process; however, it is best to schedule an appointment early so that you have plenty of time to revise. Appointments can be made up to two weeks in advance but cannot be made for the day the paper is due. To make an appointment, please create an account in WCOnline, our online scheduler.
Faculty Appointments
The Writing Center's mission is to serve students. We can work with faculty on any questions relating to wiring assessment, teaching (with) writing, and writing support for a specific course. Please contact the Writing Center directly.
Educational Approach
Our writing consultants do not edit or proofread. The philosophy of the Writing Center is to help individuals improve their critical thinking, revision, and editing skills rather than just proofreading papers for grammar or spelling errors.
Scope of Consultation
We likely will not get through an entire paper in 45 minutes, and that's OK! Within this timeframe, our writing consultants will provide you with resources and strategies for making informed writing choices and to comment on patterns in your writing. Remember, our mission is to help you become a self-sufficient writer, not to edit or proofread your paper.
Group Papers
If you are working on a group paper, please contact the Writing Center directly before booking an appointment.
Learning Differences
The Writing Center works with all writers of all abilities. Our client registration form and appointment form feature spaces for clients to confidentially disclose any information they would like our staff to know.
Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)
Our educational approach acknowledges that graduate writers work in a complex and expanding world of digital and technological change. The use and nature of these technologies raise critical questions about how we create, organize, and express academic and professional knowledge in the 21st Century. Consultants welcome conversations around strategies for engaging with these tools as writers and thinkers, especially the far-ranging ethical implications of adopting GenAI into processes of writing to learn.
Cost of Consultation
The Writing Center is provided at no additional cost to UMB students.