From Cornell University: explains when to use a resume and a CV and guidelines for preparing a CV. Includes sample CVs
From UC Davis: 3-minute video explaining the differences between resumes and CVs
From University of Wisconsin – Madison: discusses chronological and skills-based resumes, as well as different sections to include
From Purdue OWL: discusses what to include and how there is not one standard format for CVs
From UC Davis: 4-minute video describing the purpose of cover letters. Provides ideas on what to brainstorm about and write in the different paragraphs
From MIT: compares differences between vague experiences and concrete experiences to highlight in a personal statement
From UCONN: includes questions to consider when revising a personal statement and sample personal statements for different academic programs
Specific tips for writing a nursing personal statement
Specific tips and samples of residency personal statements
5 tips on writing a strong cover letter; specific tips for creative fields, government, and teaching
List of questions to ask yourself before writing; formatting guidance