CACPR Past Events
Fourth Annual UM CACPR Symposium - "How precision health will inform pain management"
September 19, 2018
View the Program - CACPR 4th Annual Symposium ProgramWatch the video - 4th Annual CACPR Symp...
Third Annual UM CACPR Symposium - "Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions and Stress"
June 14, 2017
The University of Maryland Center to Advance Chronic Pain Research hosted its third annual sympo...
Seminar - Beth Darnall, PhD
January 30, 2018
Beth Darnall, PhDClinical ProfessorDepartment of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain MedicineS...
Maryland Neuroimaging Retreat
April 7, 2017
Date: April 14, 2017
Time: 8:30am - 5:00pm
Location: University of Maryland, Baltimore, Sc...
Research Seminar - Dr. Angela Starkweather
February 14, 2017
Seminar Announcement - Dr. Starkweather
Seminar - Col. Michael J. Apicella, DDS, MS
January 27, 2017
Topic: Non-odontogenic pain as a source of orofacial pain
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2019: UMB Confronts Chronic Pain
The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is proud to share the impactful work our top-tier scientists and medical professionals are engaged in to better understand, treat, and modify the impact of chronic pain. We invite you to join us at our upcoming Community Conversation on pain.
Friday, Nov. 22: Fifth Annual CACPR Symposium
Join us for the Fifth Annual CACPR Symposium, with the theme, "Managing Chronic Pain Among Patients with Serious Illness During a National Opioid Crisis."