Request a temporary project to manage your award expenses from Day 1.
Approval for a temporary project chartstring may be requested before receipt of an award when there is a very high likelihood that the award will be made. Temporary projects are recommended so that payroll and other expenses for project investigators and staff will be charged to the correct project, reducing the need for payroll and other cost transfers in the future.
Temporary Project Request Form
Instructions for Completing the Request for Temporary Project
The proposed project must be routed in Kuali Research before a temporary project can be set up. The request for temporary project may be uploaded to the proposal as an internal attachment. Proposal documents should be attached in the Kuali Research record as usual, such as the scope of work and proposed agreement.
Proposal/Grant Information:
- New: The anticipated award is for a new project that has not been previously funded.
- Continuation: The anticipated award is a competing or noncompeting continuation of an existing award and a new project is needed. Provide the prior project ID.
- Extension of Project: The anticipated award is a noncompeting continuation or no-cost extension of an existing award that does not require a new project. Provide the current project ID to be extended.
- Cost Share Companion Chartstring: Check if needed; prior approval required. If cost share was not approved during the Kuali Research approval routing, complete and submit the approved Cost Sharing Commitment Form
- Over the Salary Cap Companion Chartstring: Check if needed. Salary cap information
Project Information: Please complete all of the required information.
Intent to Fund Information: Please complete all of the required information.
PI Signature: The principal investigator must sign and date this form for the request to be processed.
IPA with VA: Signature of the dean or designee is required.
Guarantee: You must complete this entire section. If not completed, your temporary project will not be set up. The department chair signature and date are required.
Follow up with the sponsor if the award document is not received when expected.
After the award is received, the same project is updated with award information.
Policy and Procedure for the Establishment of Temporary Projects
When a sponsored project award is received and accepted by the University, a unique restricted fund chartstring is set up for management of income and expenditures related to that grant or contract. To maintain control over expenditures and effort related to, but incurred prior to, receipt of an award notice, it may be advantageous to set up a chartstring before receipt of the award document. The chartstring that is set up in the absence of an award document is known as a temporary project.
A responsible investigator, department, and school are identified when a restricted fund chartstring is set up. Consistent with policies for other types of chartstrings, this policy will require that the responsible department or school reimburse the University for expenditures charged against a University chartstring that are in excess of income received and credited to that chartstring.
This policy sets forth the conditions under which approval will be given for issuance and maintenance of a temporary project chartstring. The policy is intended to standardize and streamline the request and review process as well as minimize the risk to a department or school of incurring expenses for which it may need to reimburse the University. A form is provided that solicits the required information for chartstring setup, responsibility, and guarantee for reimbursement.
The objectives of this policy are (1) to set forth the information necessary to initiate the establishment of a temporary project and to identify alternate sources of funding to support expenses charged to the chartstring, and (2) to provide a standardized request process to meet the needs of the principal investigators, expedite request review, and satisfy the guarantee requirement of the University.
This policy applies to all requests for temporary projects for sponsored programs to support research, service, or training for new awards and new years of continuing awards.
The Office of Research and Development (ORD) is charged with approval of requests for temporary projects. ORD will approve establishment of a temporary project in the absence of an award document contingent upon required proposal and guarantee documentation on file in ORD, and upon consideration on a case-by-case basis, of the probability of receiving an award document and receiving payment from the sponsor. A temporary project may be set up for a budget period not longer than one year.
Temporary Project Request Form
Notify subrecipients and close out subawards issued under awards that will transfer.
Review all expired awards to ensure that all required reports — financial and technical — have been submitted to the sponsor. It can be very difficult to obtain missing program and invention reports after an investigator leaves UMB.
Don’t forget to close out ...
- Material transfer agreements.
- IRB and IACUC protocols.
- EHS matters (e.g., hazardous waste disposal).
- Conflict of interest matters.
If the faculty member is a mentor or sponsor for a fellowship, please call this to the attention of your SPA team.
If an award cannot be transferred, will UMB issue a subaward for continued effort of the departing faculty member? If so, follow the procedures for subaward requests, including prior approval of the subaward (if required) and budget modification.
Will the new institution issue any subawards back to UMB for continued effort of co-investigators? If so, route a subaward proposal.