Fleet Manager
The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) Fleet Manager is responsible for the dissemination of information and the collection of vehicle data as required by state and University policies and procedures. The manager is ultimately responsible for the coordination and monitoring of all institutional activities.
Specific responsibilities of the UMB Fleet Manager are:
- Implements campus vehicle activities consistent with policies and procedures established by the USM and the State of Maryland to promote safe, efficient, and economical operation of UMB vehicles.
- Serves as focal point for dissemination of fleet administration-related information to the campus.
- Collects, reviews for accuracy, and forwards various data such as vehicle usage reports, monthly mileage reports, commuter, and IRS reporting information.
- Coordinates vehicle acquisition, disposal, and tag and title acquisition.
- Assures campus compliance with semiannual vehicle inspections (April and October) and compliance with all Maryland vehicle emissions test inspections.
- Serves on the Fleet Safety Board and Vehicle Accident Review Board (VARB).
- Acts as liaison in the processing of motor vehicle-related citations, including recommendations to the VARB to suspend a driver's authorization for excessive infraction citations. (Vehicle operators are fully responsible for the payment of all assessed fines, penalties, and costs.)
The UMB Fleet Manager is:
Melvin Tuck, Logistics Manager
Strategic Sourcing and Acquisition Services
111 S Penn Street, Room B007
Baltimore, MD 21201
410-706-6619 (phone)
Departmental Fleet Coordinators
Because UMB does not operate a central motor pool, all daily operational functions are the responsibility of the department that operates a vehicle owned by UMB. To accomplish this, each department must identify a specific employee to be responsible for the following functions, among others:
- Works with the UMB Fleet Manager to review fleet status to determine the need to replace vehicles and expand or reduce the department's portion of the fleet. When a new vehicle is to be purchased, the UMB Fleet Manager will review available options such as purchase from state of Maryland contract or purchase from other agencies. When a vehicle is being disposed of, the departmental fleet coordinator will initiate the surplus property disposal process by completing and submitting an Excess Property Declaration Form.
- Identifies sources of funding and prepares requisitions for submission to Strategic Sourcing and Acquisition Services.
- Assures vehicles receive appropriate service and, in general, are maintained in a safe operating condition.
- Receives reviews and forwards monthly mileage reports to the UMB Fleet Manager on or before the 10th of each month.
- Monitors assignment of vehicles and vehicle usage and in general assures compliance with University "General Rules" for vehicle operation.
- When a vehicle is involved in an accident, obtains and reviews accident reports. Submits completed accident reports to: UMBRiskManagement@umaryland.edu. View the UMB Accident Packet here.
- Monitor the fuel usage and process bi-weekly fuel invoices for payment using the Carroll Fuel Portal.
- Work with UMB Fleet Manager to address any issues such as fuel exceptions reports issued by the state, citations, EZ Pass transponders, Emissions Test, and Vehicle Recalls.
Occupant Restraint Devices
- All UMB-owned or -leased motor vehicles shall be equipped with such occupant restraint devices (seat belts, shoulder harnesses, air bags, etc.) as were mandated by federal motor vehicle safety standards in effect at the time the particular vehicle was manufactured.
- All occupant restraint devices installed in UMB-owned motor vehicles shall be maintained in proper operating condition. The department head or supervisor to which the vehicle is assigned shall be responsible for making sure that these devices are maintained in proper working order.
- No UMB employee or other person shall operate a UMB-owned motor vehicle in which the occupant restraint devices for each occupied seating position in the front seat are not completely operational.
- No person may drive or ride in the front seat of a UMB-owned or -leased motor vehicle, or any other motor vehicle being used to conduct official state business, unless properly restrained by the occupant device available at the occupied seating position. Anytime a front-seat passenger is not a UMB employee, it shall be the driver's responsibility to ensure that the passenger uses the available restraint device.
- Personnel found to be in violation of this regulation are subject to disciplinary action as follows:
- First instance: Counseling by supervisor followed by memorandum of understanding.
- Second instance or any subsequent instances: Counseling by supervisor and notation in the employee's personnel employment record.
- Three instances within any 365-day period: An official reprimand recorded in the employee's personnel employment record.
- Four or more instances within any 365-day period: Suspension of the privilege of using a UMB-owned or -leased motor vehicle for a period of six months.
- Any instance noted in an accident report, or developed in subsequent investigation of an accident involving a UMB-owned or -leased motor vehicle, which indicates that the front-seat occupant restraint devices in the UMB vehicle were not being properly utilized when the accident occurred shall result in the suspension of the UMB vehicle driver's privilege of using a UMB-owned motor vehicle for a period of one year. NOTE: During the time period when any such suspension is in effect, the person subject to the suspension may not be reimbursed for the use of a privately owned vehicle in the conduct of UMB business at a rate greater than one-half the normal private mileage reimbursement rate in effect during the period of suspension.
- Any attempt by a UMB employee to disable the occupant restraint devices installed in a UMB-owned or -leased motor vehicle shall be deemed an act of willful insubordination and destruction of UMB property subject to immediate suspension without pay pending filing of charges for dismissal.
- A UMB employee may operate a UMB-owned or -leased motor vehicle without using the occupant restraint devices only when it is necessary to transport the vehicle directly to the repair facility where the devices are to be repaired or replaced and made fully operational.
- The occupant restraint devices installed in a UMB-owned or -leased motor vehicle may be temporarily disabled or removed by vehicle maintenance personnel only when it is necessary to perform maintenance on or complete repairs to the vehicle or the restraint system.
- The department head or supervisor to which vehicles are assigned is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of this regulation.
Assignment of Vehicles
University vehicles may be assigned to those employees who travel the greatest number of official (non-commute) miles in excess of 10,000 miles per year. In specific cases, the institution head may determine that the use of a vehicle is required for the efficient operation of an institutional program regardless of the number of miles traveled. Assignments may not be made based on the seniority or classification of an individual. Vehicle assignments may be made based only on positions meeting the established criteria.
Vehicles may not be assigned to individuals with driving records that indicate an inability to operate a vehicle in a safe and responsible manner. Assigned vehicles may not transfer with employees who move to another position.
Institutional heads shall continually evaluate the benefit of pooling institution-owned vehicles to increase vehicle utilization and promote flexibility of employee transportation. Assigned vehicles that are not in use must be made available for other employees requiring transportation for official business.
UMB shall monitor vehicle usage to ensure that all vehicles meet the required 10,000-official-mile minimum or other criteria and report the results to the university fleet administrator annually. The 10,000-official-mile minimum applies to vehicles assigned to individuals as well as to pooled sedans that regularly leave the campus. It does not apply to vehicles that are predominately used on campus that are used daily but accumulate minimal annual mileage. Should an improper or inefficient vehicle assignment exist within an institution, the university fleet administrator will notify the institution that the vehicle should be reassigned. If the institution does not resolve the improper or inefficient vehicle assignment after notification, the Fleet Manager will initiate the reassignment or declare the vehicle surplus.
Driver Responsibility When Refueling UMB Vehicles
1. All authorized drivers of state-owned vehicles are issued a pin number they must use at the fueling station when refueling a vehicle. The pin number should not be shared with other drivers. Drivers are responsible for all fuel transaction made with their pin number. This includes transactions flagged as exceptions on the State’s Fuel Exception Report.
2. All UMB/State owned vehicles are assigned Prokees when the vehicle is added to the Carroll Fuel Portal. Each vehicle is assigned a Prokee that can only be used to refuel that specific vehicle. Prokees should not be stored in the vehicle. Prokees should be stored in a secure location when not being used.
3. Drivers will be required to enter the vehicles current mileage and pin number after the Prokee assigned to the vehicle they are refueling is inserted in the fuel pump. Please see the Prokee Pump Instructions for more information.
4. Drivers must immediately report lost or stolen Prokees to the department fleet coordinator and their immediate supervisor.
5. Drivers are personally responsible for the use and care of state-owned fuel management equipment. Any damages to state-owned fuel management equipment that is due to the Driver’s negligence or any type of misuse of this equipment is the responsibility of the driver. Drivers will be required to reimburse the state of Maryland for any damages caused by negligence of misuse of equipment.
Monthly Mileage and Maintenance Forms (UMFS-1)
The UMFS-1 form replaces the MFOMS-1 Operators Report and must be completed monthly for each University-owned sedan, station wagon, and LTV beginning July 1, 1992. Forms are to be submitted to the UMB Fleet Manager by the 10th of the next month; departments should retain a copy of each form submitted. View the Mileage and Maintenance Form here.
How to Complete the UMFS-1 Form
1. Vehicles will be tracked by license number and vehicle serial numbers (last six digits). Check the appropriate box and use the same identification consistently. If license numbers and license plates have been changed, this must be noted this on the form.
2. Enter vehicle make and model (i.e., Ford Taurus) and year.
3. Enter institution (i.e., University of Maryland, Baltimore).
4. Enter the report month and year (i.e., July 2015 or 7/2015).
5. Record the starting odometer reading, which should be the same as the previous month's ending odometer reading.
6. Enter the assigned driver's name and commute zone only for vehicles that have been assigned to a specific driver who is authorized to commute.
7. The daily/trip log section should be completed for each day and/or trip on which the vehicle is driven. Commute miles should not occur or be recorded except for drivers authorized to commute. The last odometer reading should be the end-of-month reading. Attach additional pages if needed.
8. Drivers and/or department coordinator (or designee) must record maintenance and repairs as they occur.
9. The shaded area at the bottom is to be completed by the department coordinator or designee. Expenses incurred during the month, except gas and oil added between changes, should be included as maintenance or body fender and accident repairs. Enter number of tires added and accident frequencies, if any, for the month only.
Vehicle Safety Inspections
All state agencies must have a formal in-house inspection program for state vehicles to assure that vehicles are clean, properly equipped, maintained, and in good repair. The inspection program shall provide:
UMB Fleet Manager is designated to implement the vehicle safety inspection program.
Each vehicle shall be inspected annually by a certified mechanic and a copy of the vehicle inspection form (UMFS-19) will be completed. View the Vehicle Inspection Form here.
UMB’s Fleet Manager will complete a semi-annual (April/October) safety inspection to ensure vehicles are clean, properly equipped, maintained, and in good repair.
Inspection records are to be kept on file with UMB’s Fleet Manager and shall be available for audits and any additional inquiries pertaining to a vehicle in UMB’s fleet.
Unsatisfactory conditions shall be corrected within seven (7) days and such action recorded on the inspection sheet. (UMB’s Fleet Manager will notify Office of Risk Management of all serious unresolved safety-related issues immediately)
Accident Review Board Members
Fleet Safety, Authorized Drivers, Tort Liability, Fidelity Bond, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Property Damage
Lacie Rockel
Office of Risk Management
Board Member
Tonya Bell
Assistant Chief
Public Safety
Board Member
Christopher Finn
Public Safety
Board Member
Todd Ring
Public Safety
UMB Campus Fleet Manager
Melvin Tuck
Logistics Manager
Strategic Sourcing and Acquisition Services